Poo-ey weather in Yeppoon

In Yeppoon we are bombarded with fierce winds and intermittent rain. But we are glad to be down HERE, because in Cairns, Cape Trib, Mission Beach.... all the places we have just been... there are BIG BIG floods a'happening. So we tour Yeppoon and neighbouring Rockhampton and Emu Park from the safety of the car; not much to see, though Rocky does score some points for the historic city buildings by the river and enormous hanging-root trees in the park.

Our bronzed bodies now hidden beneath pants and hoodies, we drive on, keeping the floods at bay and desperately praying for the return of our beloved sun.

The ocean is choppy and grey in Yeppoon.
THOSE fabulous trees, in Rockhampton.
The Singing Ship in Emu Park, a memorial to Captain Cook's visit.
Powered by wind.
Today the ship is singing VERY VERY loud.