A Bundy Good Time

Bundaberg is famous for Bundaberg Ginger Beer and Bundaberg Rum. Which was always going to make 4 out of 5 Biharys very happy, and meant that our arrival in "Gingerberg" (thank you wordsmith Benji) has been counted down eagerly for weeks.

Our first day sees us scooting out of town to nearby Gin Gin to catch the rodeo, but after that it's Bundy time all the way.

Certainly there are some decent markets to explore (and we do), but the undisputed highlight of our visit - of course - are the Ginger Beer and Rum factory tours... and the undisputed highlight of the tours - of course - are the free drinks at the bars at the end. For our H2O household, it is a sugar rush of unprecedented, unrestrained proportion. Who would've thought there were so many flavours of soft drink, much less of rum! It's fair to say that by the time we leave town we have drunk enough to offset 7+ months of good eating - and dispel any illusion that the ginger in ginger beer makes it a health food. We have, however, done ourselves proud in mastering our own versions of the mighty bunda-burp.

Enjoying our first four-pack of Bundaberg Ginger Beer in the park.
Bottoms Up, Boys!
Budge behind the bar. Wearing his own drinks card and holding onto Miss "no-thanks-I-don't-drink" Sam's, which does - you betcha - entitle him to twice the number of drinks as the other adults on the tour.
Rikki and Rum
Forteen flavours at the Ginger Beer factory, which have to be sampled in order and in their entirety. It does not get any better than this for the bubbly Biharys.  
A lateral attempt to get the kids to burn off some of that soft drink sugar with a game of boom-gate limbo back at the caravan park.