Tunnel Creek tops the caves!

We’ve done caves that have lighting. We’ve done caves that are pitch black. Now, at Tunnel Creek, we do something new: a cave, in total darkness, filled with water! Hands down, it is the best cave so far, bar none. Clutching torches and wearing togs, we splash our way down its 750 metre length. For grown ups, the water comes up to the knees and sometimes thighs… which means Benji is chest deep at times and, not surprisingly, opts to be carried on the return walk back. Jack and Rikki, meanwhile, are in their absolute element as they discover that this is one hike that they can doggy paddle their way through.

In daylight outside the entrance...
In darkness, as we start our walk through...
A joyful Jack at the halfway mark where the cave walls part to let in some light.
Cuddles in the puddles back at the start. (It takes skill, but we do finally manage to coax the kids back to the car with the promise of real live Crab Races scheduled for that night in Derby. We burn rubber driving back, only to find the Race date had been a misprint and the much anticipated event was not happening for another fortnight.)